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The number of antisemitic incidents in Hamburg increased - CFCA | The Coordination Forum for Countering Antisemitism

The number of antisemitic incidents in Hamburg increased

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The number of antisemitic criminal offenses in Hamburg has increased significantly. Therefore, the FDP (Free Democratic Party) now requires an “accurate indication of places” to which Jewish citizens refrain from going because they fear antisemitic attacks.

According to the Senate’s response to a query submitted by the FDP, there have been 74 antisemitic criminal offenses last year. This appears in the statistical record of criminal offenses made by the police. Those offenses are described as politically motivated crimes (PMK). In 2017 there were 44 such attacks in the city of Hanse, while in 2013 there were 28.

“The number of antisemitic criminal offenses in Hamburg has risen drastically between 2013 and 2018 by an unbelievable 164 percent, and especially the attacks based on religious motives have grown”, emphasizes the head of the FDP, Anna von Treuenfels-Frouein. The red-green coalition must take note that the defense measures taken so far are no longer sufficient. According to her, anti-Semitism – regardless of its erroneous motivation – is unacceptable, and Germany should show zero tolerance towards antisemitism.

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