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Attack on orthodox Jew in Crown Heights - CFCA | The Coordination Forum for Countering Antisemitism

Attack on orthodox Jew in Crown Heights

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Crown Heights, Brooklyn, NY – A 19-year-old Jewish man was attacked by a gang of black teens this weekend at around 9 pm Saturday night in the Crown Heights section of Brooklyn.

One of the group walked up to the young man who was walking by a laundromat on Empire Boulevard near Schenectady Avenue.

The attacker asked him, “Do you want to fight?” He then began to punch the Jewish man in the face, and knocked him to the ground before the group then fled down Empire Boulevard.

The victim was taken to a local hospital for medical care. NYPD officers and Civil Patrol volunteers both responded to the scene, and security camera video was obtained that showed the perpetrators prior to the attack.

NYPD has said extra police patrols will be deployed to the area, and the incident is under investigation by the local precinct in coordination with the Hate Crime Task Force.

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