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Labour suspends official who blamed ‘all wars in the world’ on Jewish people - CFCA | The Coordination Forum for Countering Antisemitism

Labour suspends official who blamed ‘all wars in the world’ on Jewish people

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A senior Labour Party official shared antisemitic material blaming Jews for “all the wars in the world”.

Labour’s West Midlands regional organiser, Mohammed Yasin, was suspended last night after The Sunday Times approached the party with a dossier of his activity on social media. Labour has launched an investigation.

For more than two years Yasin, not to be confused with the Labour MP with a similar name, shared antisemitic posts and 9/11 conspiracy theories, praised a homophobic preacher and described his former leader Tony Blair as a “child-killer”.

His Twitter feed, now removed, suggests he was working for Labour when he made most of the posts.

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