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Swastikas and horrific antisemitic slurs are smeared over walls of Hull tenfoot - CFCA | The Coordination Forum for Countering Antisemitism

Swastikas and horrific antisemitic slurs are smeared over walls of Hull tenfoot

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Hull – Swastikas and “offensive” antisemitic slurs have been smeared over the walls of a west Hull tenfoot.
Councillors in the Avenues have hit out after the emblem of the German Nazi party and shocking language directed towards Jews was daubed onto a tenfoot between Park Grove and Hinderwell Street, near Princes Avenue.

The words “white power” were scrawled onto swastikas along with phrases such as “fuck the kikes” – a derogatory term used to describe Jews.

A piece of graffiti which said “love is the answer” also had the first word scribbled out and replaced with “hate,” and vandals also drew a red V bearing a striking resemblance to the sign used in the film “V For Vendetta,” which is inspired by Guy Fawkes’ plot to blow up the Houses of Parliament.

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