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Warsaw Ghetto vandal guest of honor at Labour party conference - CFCA | The Coordination Forum for Countering Antisemitism

Warsaw Ghetto vandal guest of honor at Labour party conference

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London – Ewa Jasiewicz, an anti-Israel activist who vandalized a wall of the Warsaw Ghetto with anti-Semitic graffiti, is set to be a guest of honor at a conference of the British Labour party later this month, The Times reported.

In 2010, Jasiewicz spray-painted ‘free Gaza and Palestine’ in English and Hebrew onto one of the last remaining walls of the Warsaw Ghetto, where Jews were rounded up by the Nazis during World War Two and where nearly 100,000 Jews died as a result of the inhumane conditions imposed on them by the Nazi regime. Another 300,000 were sent from the Ghetto to the Nazi death camps, where most of them were murdered.

She is scheduled to speak at a conference run by Momentum, the radical organization which forms the bedrock of support for Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn, who has himself been accused of anti-Semitism and who will also address the conference.

In 2002, Jasiewicz suggested that members of the Israeli Knesset be assassinated and appeared to praise the murder of Israeli civilians, according to The Times. She wrote while staying in Jenin that a member of a family she was staying with “went and opened fire on some Israeli civilians in a market somewhere a few months ago.”

“I don’t get why activists can’t go and do the Knesset or something, or do a sophisticated politician bump-off like the PFLP?” she added, referring to the 2001 assassination of former Tourism Minister Rehavam Zeevi by the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine terrorist organization.

Jasiewicz was deported from Israel in 2004 after a court found that she was providing aid to terrorist organizations.

Jewish groups condemned the decision to host Jasiewicz at the conference as another example of the Labour party’s acceptance of antisemitism.

Euan Philipps, a spokesman for Labour Against Antisemitism, called for Jasiewicz to be removed from the conference.

“Jon Lansman (the founder of Momentum) and Jeremy Corbyn must personally intervene to ensure that Ms Jasiewicz is removed from the schedule for the Momentum Conference,” Phillips told The Times.

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