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Man accused of attempting to burn down Exeter synagogue is named - CFCA | The Coordination Forum for Countering Antisemitism

Man accused of attempting to burn down Exeter synagogue is named

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Due before Exeter Magistrates Court

A man has been charged in connection to an attempted arson at a synagogue in Exeter over the weekend.

Police were called just before 8pm on Saturday 21 July following reports that a person had tried to ignite an accelerant that had been poured into the building in Mary Arches Street, Exeter.

Police soon after arrested a man on suspicion of arson.

Tristan Morgan aged 51 from Alexandra Terrace, Exeter, has been charged with arson with intent of endangering life. He is due before Exeter Magistrates Court on Monday 23 July.

Local officers will be meeting with synagogue staff to both update them on the investigation and provide local reassurance.

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