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Nearly 40 Jewish groups in Germany call on government to confront antisemitism - CFCA | The Coordination Forum for Countering Antisemitism

Nearly 40 Jewish groups in Germany call on government to confront antisemitism

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Nearly 40 Jewish organizations in Germany have called on the government to confront antisemitism following a series of anti-Jewish attacks in the country.

The open letter, which was signed Monday by the groups as the Jewish Forum for Democracy and Antisemitism, calls for Germany to adhere to the International Alliance for Holocaust Remembrance’s definition of antisemitism and to take seriously the experiences of attack victims. It also calls for recognition that antisemitism is an “an attack on the inviolability of human dignity and on the foundations of the entire liberal democratic community.”

“Antisemitism cannot be successfully fought as a mere subcategory of racism,” the statement says. “Antisemitism, racism and Islamophobia cannot be equated.”

The statement, written in German, also says that civil and religious groups that have requested or already receive public funding should only receive the funds if they have publicly distanced themselves from all forms of antisemitism, including Muslim organizations.

The German government has not publicly responded to the letter, according to the Deutsch Welle news service.

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