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Antisemitic and Nazi-glorifying graffiti on school containers - CFCA | The Coordination Forum for Countering Antisemitism

Antisemitic and Nazi-glorifying graffiti on school containers

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Breisach – several antisemitic and Nazi-glorifying graffiti on containers in the school yard and at least one car were discovered on containers at a school in Breisach am Rhein. The containers serve the school as additional classrooms.

The letters “Nazi storeroom” (“Nazilagerraum”), “Arbeit macht Frei”, “Jews are scum” (“Juden sind Abschaum” ) were sprayed in red on the containers and “You are next”, “Nazis on board” and a swastika on another wall.
In addition, a car was smeared by a teacher who was the only one nearby. The police were informed; According to her, a second vehicle was sprayed.
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