San Francisco State professor wants Zionists excluded from campus

Cruz, CA
– Within hours of San Francisco
State University (SFSU) President Leslie Wong’s public apology to Jewish students and
affirmation that “Zionists are welcome on our campus,” an SFSU professor shot
back with a hateful and discriminatory message targeting Jewish and
Zionist students.  The message was posted on an official site of the
Arab and Muslim Ethnicities and Diasporas (AMED) program at the university’s
College of Ethnic Studies, where it remains visible.  Sixty Jewish,
Christian, education and civil rights organizations are demanding an immediate


“It is appalling and deeply disturbing that
Professor Rabab Ibrahim Abdulhadi would, in her role as director of AMED,
promote a statement that denigrates Jewish and non-Jewish students who identify
as Zionists and state that they are unwelcome at the university,” wrote the
groups in the letter organized by AMCHA
Initiative.  “Even more disturbing is Abduhadi’s highly inflammatory
suggestion that the mere presence of students who identify as Zionists
constitutes a ‘declaration of war’ against Arabs, Muslims and Palestinians – a
statement which could be understood as incitement to violence and a direct
threat to Jewish students as SFSU.”


message reads:


“I consider the statement below from President Wong, welcoming
Zionists to campus, equating Jewishness with Zionism, and giving Hillel
ownership of campus Jewishness to be a declaration of war against Arabs,
Muslims, [and] Palestinians…”

The same day, numerous
fliers, chalkings and graffiti stating “Zionists Are NOT
Welcome” were placed across the SFSU campus, including on an employee
bulletin board. A few days later, Professor Abdulhadi further clarified her position on her
personal Facebook page, stating, “Zionists are NOT welcomed on our campus.”

“When an academic unit at a
state university uses its official online presence to attack students on its
campus for their religious beliefs, ethnic identity or political opinions, it
is clearly out of control and must be stopped.  We urge you to
thoroughly investigate AMED and its administration, and to inform California
taxpayers exactly how you intend to address this shameful violation of
student rights and university standards” concluded the organizations in their

For years, Jewish students at
SFSU have reported numerous acts of harassment, discrimination, intimidation
and suppression of speech at the hands of anti-Zionist students and faculty.
Just last month, more than a dozen Jewish students affiliated with SFSU
Hillel, including the organization’s student president, wrote a letter to President Wong
claiming that the university “has been complicit in allowing hate and
discrimination against [the Jewish] community to go
unaddressed.”  SFSU professors and many Jewish organizations have also met with Wong
to raise serious concerns about frightening levels of anti-Semitism at SFSU.

Since establishing AMED,
Abdulhadi has repeatedly used her position and the program’s educational
resources to fund a steady drumbeat of virulently anti-Zionist events,
speakers and classes, including those that condone terrorism and violence
towards Israel and its supporters. A few years ago, at an event co-sponsored
by AMED, students circulated stencils so people could paint placards saying,
“My heroes have always killed colonizers.” The stencils were condemned by SFSU President Wong
who stated, “I am dismayed by the glorification of violence that this message
conveys. There is no place at SF State for celebrating violence or promoting
intolerance, bigotry, anti-Semitism or any other form of hate-mongering.” 


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