Vandals deface photo of pro-Trump admin’s deceased father

Brooklyn, NY – An administrator at CUNY Kingsborough
Community College recently arrived at his office to find that someone had
scrawled anti-Semitic graffiti on a photograph of his deceased father.


 “Fuck Trump
Goldstein/Kill Zionist Entity,” read the barely-decipherable message written
across a photograph near Director of Outreach and Community Marking Mike
Goldstein’s door. The picture was of Goldstein’s late father, Leon M Goldstein,
who was the president of Kingsborough Community College from 1970 to 1999.


“The photo was
hung on a Bulletin Board outside my office door along with another 3-4 photos
of faculty and staff from the college in the 1970’s,” Goldstein told Campus
Reform, noting that “only the photo of my Dad” was touched by the vandal(s).

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