2016 Antisemitism report in Denmark

The report on incidents in 2016 was published recently and it can be downloaded from the Jewish Community website.

In 2016, AKVAH recorded 22 antis incidents in Denmark which fall into the following categories: murder attempts, threats, antis utterances, vandalism and other types of harassment.

The incidents number one case of murder attempt, two threats, 17 cases of antis utterances, one case of vandalism and one case of a different type of harassment. Out of the 22 recorded antis incidents, 3 incidents can be defined as potentially antis.

This report provides a description and analysis of the number of antis incidents in Denmark in 2015. It was worked out on the basis of notification of AQVAH which is part of the Jewish Community’s security organization. The recorded antis incidents and the analysis presented in the report provide an insight into the occurrence of anti-Semitism in Denmark in 2016. The report does not present an exhaustive picture of anti-Semitism in Denmark.

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