UK Holocaust denier Michele Renouf under investigation

German police are investigating a British woman for
suspected incitement after she questioned the Holocaust during a far-right
protest in the eastern city of Dresden.


A spokeswoman for Dresden police says Australian-born
Michele Renouf is one of two people being investigated for remarks made at a
neo-Nazi rally Saturday commemorating those killed in the 1945 Allied bombing
of the city.


Videos of the rally posted online show Renouf saying the
only Holocaust perpetrated in Europe was against German civilians. Publicly
denying the Nazis’ well-documented murder of six million Jews is a criminal
offence in Germany.


Renouf has in the past supported Holocaust-deniers such
British historian David Irving. Dresden police spokeswoman Jana Ulbricht said
Sunday that officers ordered the rally dissolved after determining that two speakers
had broken the law.

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