2016 Antisemitism report in France

Antisemitism in France in 2016:

* The number of Antisemitic acts that led to filing a complaint declined from 808 in 2015 to 335 in 2016, a 58-percent decrease.

* Rolling out a plan of stationary protection across France via Operation Sentinelle most probably contributed to this significant and rapid decrease.

Intermediate and long-term effects of government-led plans against racism and Antisemitism

have raised high expectations for reducing the number of still numerous racist and Antisemitic acts.

*Behind the encouraging numbers, we must highlight the reality on the ground that complements our analysis.

– Extreme violence and terrorism that targets Jews in France often overshadows «everyday » Antisemitism. Numerous victims of Antisemitic verbal attacks or light violence no longer file a complaint. They have grown accustomed to a phenomenon that has been trivialized. Antisemitism has reached such extreme proportions that « weak instances» of it are no longer denounced, even though they remain serious and inflict terrible consequences.

– 1 out of 4 racist acts committed in France in 2016 targeted a Jewish person, while Jews represent less than 1 percent of the population.

– For several years, Antisemitic propaganda and speeches have shifted from old media to the Internet. To this day, a thorough census tabulating calls for Antisemitic hate or violence has not yet been conducted.

– Growing Anti-Zionism and hatred of Israel act as screens that hide, remove inhibitions and even legitimize Antisemitism. How is it possible to measure and study a phenomenon that must be fought, if the phenomenon is allowed to conceal itself? How can a crime be condoned by another crime?

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