Somali migrant plotted to kill queen and Jewish Londoners, court hears

London – A Somali migrant and Dutch national living in the
UK discussed killing Her Majesty The Queen with a fellow Islamic State jihadist
supporter, a court has heard.


Aweys Shikhey also allegedly fanaticised about shooting
Jewish people near his home in London and attacking Tottenham Hotspur football
club with Kenya-based Somalian Abdirahman Idrissa Hassan in conversations
dating back to May 31st, 2016.


 “It is good to shoot
them live,” Mr. Shikhey allegedly said in a chilling message, as well as
discussing details of the plot including weapons and ammunition.


“May God bestow you in killing [former Prime Minister]
David Cameron and the old woman [Queen] Elizabeth,” Mr. Hassan is claimed to
have replied to Mr. Shikhey in another message.


The London-based terror suspect has a Somalian wife and
children living in Holland and is accused of plotting to join jihadi fighters
in Syria. Officers apprehended him at London’s Stansted Airport before boarding
a flight to Turkey on May 23rd, 2017.


His father-in-law and former employer runs an Internet shop
in North London but denies knowledge of the alleged terrorist plots.


Mr. Shikhey denies one charge of preparing for acts of
terrorism, but prosecutor Barnaby Jameson described him as “a terrorist hiding
in plain sight,” adding: “The defendant, you will hear, was a secret and indeed
eager supporter of Islamic State.”


The suspect is also reported to have written: “I do not
have anything as long as I am in a disbeliever country. This is my first job
and I will migrate for the sake of God. I am not coming back to this dirty
people [sic], God Willing.”


“Correct,” Mr.
Hassan allegedly replied.


The prosecution detailed how Mr. Shikhey applied for a
series of loans to “obtain as much money as possible to leave the country
forever” and possibly leave his family behind.

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