Polish hostel hangs banner with hateful message: ‘entry forbidden to Jews’

Cesarzowice – “Entry forbidden to Jews,
Commies, and all thieves and traitors of Poland.” That was the anti-Semitic
message hung outside a hostel in Cesarzowice.


The town of
Cesarzowice is just outside Wroclaw, a major city, which received a lot of
attention for a high-profile antisemitic incident
in November 2015
. A leader of the extremist National Radical Camp, Piotr
Rybak, burned an effigy of a Jew at an anti-immigrant demonstration in one of
Wroclaw’s main squares.


All of these
stories may be related. According to another Polish report, Piotr
Rybak is the owner of the “Dom Polski” hostel in Cesarzowice.


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