Hate Crime, England and Wales, 2016/17

The number of hate crimes in England and Wales has increased by
29%, according to Home Office statistics.


There were 80,393 offences in 2016-17, compared with 62,518 in
2015-16, the largest increase since the Home Office began recording figures in


The biggest rise was in disability and transgender hate crimes,
but this was due to better crime recording and more people coming forward, the report said.


It also noted a spike in hate crime around the time of the EU


There were also rises after the Westminster Bridge, Manchester
Arena and London Bridge attacks this year.


In 2016-17:


62,685 (78%) were race hate crimes

9,157 (11%) were sexual orientation hate crimes

5,949 (7%) were religious hate crimes

5,558 (7%) were disability hate crimes

1,248 (2%) were transgender hate crimes


Some crimes were recorded as having more than one
motivating factor.



Hate crime, England and Wales,
2016 to 2017

Ref: ISBN 978-1-78655-573-1, Home
Office Statistical Bulletin 17 17PDF, 692KB, 33

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Hate crime, England and Wales, 2016 to 2017: data tables

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Hate crime, England and Wales, 2016 to 2017: appendix

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Statistical news release: Hate crime, England and Wales,
2016 to 2017

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technology. Request an accessible format.



Pre-release access to: Hate crime, England and Wales,
2016 to 2017

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technology. Request an accessible format.

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