Legally blind Orthodox Jewish woman harassed, assaulted in Crown Heights, Brooklyn

Crown Heights, Brooklyn , NY – There was a vicious attack on a
defenseless woman in Brooklyn.


The 62-year-old victim was harassed and assaulted possibly because she’s


According to the Anti-Defamation League, anti-Semitic crimes in New York
City are up 40-percent over this same time last year.


What happened in Crown Heights this week was just the latest example of
this dangerous trend.


“It doesn’t affect just
the victim, which of course it did, but it affects the whole community,”
said Evan Bernstein, Anti-Defamation League.


A 62-year-old Orthodox Jewish woman was walking near Eastern Parkway and
Schenectady Avenue about 2:30 p.m. Monday, when she became the target of senseless,
allegedly hate-filled violence.


“Members of the Jewish
community in Crown Heights right now are on edge, and they’re concerned, you
know, who’s next, is it going to happen to someone else in their
community” Bernstein said.


Police say the suspect not only yelled a profane anti-sematic slur, but
also ripped off the woman’s religiously symbolic wig.


“In the Orthodox
community, a head covering for a female, which is called a Sheitel, is
something that has a high level of religious significance, like wearing a
yamaka for a male,” Bernstein said.


Fortunately, the woman was not hurt, even though she’s legally blind and
was basically defenseless when the attacker struck.


Bernstein says hate crimes are on the rise across the country, largely
because of today’s political climate.


“Right now the climate
post-election has allowed for this kind of behavior to metastasize, and it’s
not only happening in New York, it’s happening around the country,” he


There is a reward being offered for information leading to an arrest. So
far, there are no suspects.

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