Couple convicted after violent attack at Jewish wedding in Clapton Common

A couple launched an antisemitic attack at a Jewish
, a court has been told.


Ineta Winiarski, 33, and partner Kasimiersz Winiarski, 62,
‘terrified’ wedding guests outside Clapton Common Synagogue Kehal Yetev Lev in
east London on July 3 this year.


In an apparently random hate crime, Kasimiersz walked over
to a driver, David Tangy, who was waiting to transfer the guests from the
synagogue, and slammed his door.


He then shoved Mr Tangy as his partner Ineta rushed over
brandishing a dog lead.


Ineta Winiarski whipped another guest Ben Herbst with her
lead, shouting ‘f**king Jew’ at him.


Mr Herbst’s father, Israel Herbst ran over to protect his
son, and was struck in the left shoulder by Ms Winiarski.


She continued to hurl racist abuse throughout the incident,
said Demi Ugurtay, prosecuting.


‘The complainants were waiting
in the car park at the venue as they were doing the transfer for guests for a
Jewish wedding ceremony,’ said Mrs Ugurtay.


‘The two defendants came
along, it’s stated that Mr Winiarski slammed the door on one of the Jewish
driver’s car, and then pushed him.


‘Then the other male, Ben
Herbst is also pushed.


‘Mr Winiarski’s partner comes
along. she starts shouting “f***ing Jew”.


‘She uses a dog lead to hit
Ben Herbst, and is shouting racial language at him and at David Tangy.


‘She pushes Mr Tangy as well,
and when Israel Herbst comes to the rescue of his son she hits him on the left


‘Both defendants were
interviewed and Mr Winiarski stated that he did not racially assault anyone or
use racial language.


‘His partner was frank in her
interview by police about what happened.’


Kasimiersz Winiarski was not charged with racially
aggravated assault, but admitted two counts of assault by beating on Mr Tangy
and Mr Herbst.


Ineta Winiarski admitted three counts of racially
aggravated assault.


Magistrate Caroline Dillon bailed the pair ahead of their
sentencing on 5 September.


‘You have pleaded guilty to
assault by beating and racially aggravated assault.


‘We are unable to sentence you
today because we need to find out more about your behaviour before sentencing.’


Ineta Winiarski and Kasimiersz Winiarski, from Hackney,
admitted three counts of racially aggravate assault and two counts of assault
by beating.

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