Antisemitism: situation in 2016/2017

The Amadeu Antonio Foundation presented the report on the state of antisemitism  in 2016/2017 (Die Amadeu Antonio Stiftung hat ihr Lagebild Antisemitismus 2016/2017 vorgelegt). Three important conclusions about antisemitism in Germany can be drawn from the findings:


1. Consensus with classic forms of antisemitism has been diminishing in recent years in Germany.


2. Instead, the Germans express their antisemitism in an indirect manner, usually in the form of antisemitic statements referring to the State of Israel (antisemitism related to the State of Israel), or statements that evoke historical references.


3. Expressions of Antisemitism as experienced by the greater public, occur in waves. Sometimes the number of antisemitic incidents diminishes, and then it rises again. But this does necessarily mean that the opposite is true- that antisemitism sometimes is in decline and then on the rise again. On the contrary, antisemitism is an undercover agent in society that may be recruited on any given occasion, with widespread success.

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