Firebomb hurled at Ukrainian synagogue

Lviv – Unidentified individuals hurled a firebomb at a synagogue
in Lviv and, in a separate incident, wrote antisemitic slogans on another
Jewish community building in the western Ukrainian city.


The incident involving a firebomb occurred on June 30 but was discovered
only Monday, according to the Strana news site. The perpetrators may have aimed
the firebomb at a window of the synagogue on Mikhovsky Street but missed it,
hitting the building facade.


The contents of the firebomb fell to the foot of the building and burned
there, resulting in no damage to the interior. No one was hurt in the incident.


The antisemitic slogans painted on a former building of the community on
Sholem Aleichem Street included the words” “Down with Jewish power” and: “Jews,
remember July 1,” an apparent reference to a pogrom that took place in Lviv on
that date in 1941.

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