Brooklyn man beaten for defending Jewish couple on subway

Brooklyn , NY – Jean Wolfman was left with a cut to the head that required
10 stitches to close after stepping in to prevent a group of subway dancers
from harassing an older Jewish couple.


According to
Wolfman, the dancers started menacing an older man and his wife after the man
did not tip them after they did their routine, in an incident that began as the
train neared Manhattan’s Union Square.


“He starts
screaming at the guy, like violently, ‘I will slap that beanie off your head!’”
Wolfman told CBS News New York. “And he goes to the guy’s yarmulke like this,
and he slaps the yarmulke off the guy’s head.”


As the train
pulled into Union Square, Wolfman and the dancers both exited the train, and he
tried to speak to them about their actions. They responded by punching him and
using hula hoop he had in his hand to beat him.


who’s also a dancer, flagged down the police, who were able to arrest one of
the perpetrators, Davon Sejourne, who is being charged with misdemeanor assault
and harassment.

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