As Britain mourns the dead and treats the injured in Manchester, people from around the world take to social media to blame a Jewish conspiracy

As Britain mourns those murdered in the terrorist atrocity
in Manchester and treats the injured, antisemites have poured onto social media
to blame the attack on a murderous Jewish conspiracy.


All of us at Campaign Against Antisemitism deplore the
sickening attack on children and their families in Manchester last night. As
the details of the attacker’s cowardice and barbarity became clear, and we
heard the stories of families never to be reunited and casualties whose lives
will be forever changed, we also began to see the all-too-familiar phenomenon
of people rushing to social media to blame Jews.


Whilst politicians urged unity and “#WeStandTogether”
trended on social media, people from around the world took to Twitter, Facebook
and other platforms to claim that the suicide bombing was a plot by Jewish
conspirators to fuel wars against oil-rich Muslim states, or some other variant
of the depraved conspiracy myths that place Jews at the centre of the world’s
every ill.


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