Berlin social democratic party declares BDS antisemitic

Members of Berlin’s Social Democratic Party (SPD) passed a
on Saturday in support of Israel, condemning the
boycott,divestment,sanctions (BDS) campaign targeting the Jewish state.


The SPD’s 17,500 member organization declared at their
convention that “they oppose the antisemitic BDS campaign” and
“condemn sharply widespread anti-Zionist antisemitism.”


The resolution said the SPD Berlin “stands in
solidarity with Israel, and the recognition of Israel’s right to exist and
self-defense are for us non-negotiable.”


The pro-Israel document was introduced by the youth
organization of the SPD Berlin–Jusos–and stated they will “fight against
every form of antisemitism.” The SPD members committed themselves to stop
every form of cooperation with associations and supporters of the BDS campaign.
The vote to support the anti-BDS resolution was unanimous.

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