2016 Antisemitism report in The Netherlands

The number of Antisemitic incidents registered in 2016 is 13% smaller than in 2015Table 1 below presents the incidents according to their domains. The decline is mainly due to a smaller number of e-mail.

Noteworthy is the decline in the number of incidents in and around schools, for the first time in three years. The number of sports-related incidents, mainly soccer, is still high. Unfortunately, since the beginning of 2017, we see a significant increase in this category.

Also noteworthy is an increase in the number of verbal-abuse incidents, as well as the number of incidents in the ‘traditional’ media (newspapers, radio and TV.).

Vandalism and physical-abuse are still a great concern.

The prominence of Internet, and particularly the social media as means of communication is rapidly growing.

The decline of the number of e-mails is partially due to shift to social media as a means of communication.

These platforms influence strongly the behaviour in the “real” world.

As in previous years, the CIDI-monitor does not include incidents on the Internet in this compilation. A government sponsored Dutch body – MIND – is responsible for battling discriminatory-incidents on the Internet.

The English summary can be downloaded here

The Duch summary can be downloaded here 

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