Understanding antisemitic hate crimes and addressing the security needs of Jewish communities: A practical guide

The OSCE Office for Democratic
Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) will present a new publication to assist
governments in addressing the security needs of Jewish communities at a launch
event in the Parliamentary Society of the German Bundestag on 15 May, 2017.


remarks will be made by Petra Pau, MP and Vice-President of the German
Bundestag and member of the Steering Committeee of the Inter-parliamentary
Coalition for Combatting Antisemitism, Gernot Erler, MP and Special
Representative of the Federal Government of Germany for the OSCE Chairmanship
in 2016, and Michael Georg Link, Director of ODIHR. The publication, Understanding Antisemitic Hate Crimes and
Addressing the Security Needs of Jewish Communities
, will be
presented by Doris Barnett, MP and Chair of the German Delegation to the OSCE
Parliamentary Assembly, and Cristina Finch, Head of the ODIHR Tolerance and
Non-discrimination Department. 


new publication was produced within the framework of the German-funded,
multi-year ODIHR “Turning Words into Action to Address Antisemitism” project,
launched in 2016, and was produced in consultation with experts from throughout
the OSCE region to reflect good practices in addressing the security needs of
Jewish communities. It lays out practical steps governments are recommended to
take to address security needs in co-operation and partnership with these

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