NBA player and antisemitic reactions on the net

The network has long since become the stage that antisemites around the world exploit to incite against Jews. A video that was supposed to be viral and cute, became a spectacle of network bullying against ultra-Orthodox Jewish children. A Muslim basketball player by the name of Hassan Whiteside from Miami Heat has uploaded a video in which he plays basketball with Jewish ultra-Orthodox children in the US. The antisemitic reactions, together with ugly references to the Holocaust followed his publication.


Steven Levderman, who won the dubious “title” of the most widely read response (Top Comment) wrote: “Sure, some Jewish guy paid a lot of money for it to happen” according to the old anti-Semitic statements that Jews control the world with their money.


The surfer, John Taylor, chose to laugh about suicide bombings and shootings over the years in Israel, saying: “A guy named Hassan destroyed the party for the Jews – and there is no need to go into details about that.”


“If such remarks were made against Muslim children, the liberals and the leftists would be outraged, but when it comes to Jews, it’s okay – everything is permitted,” wrote the Jewish Rachel Zimmerman. Another mention of the Holocaust was written by the surfer Julio Fernandez: “He made fun of them and that’s how another Holocaust begins.” Zach Minuk wrote: “It ended with one of the children shouting “Cheers, I’m dead.” The surfer Stu Gilchrist wrote: “If you have not understood yet, Jews are pretty bad at basketball.” Jay Remy Lawron added: “They would have run after the ball if it was money.”

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