Aantisemitic hate at an anti-war demonstration in Berlin

Berlin – With antisemitic stereotypes in the speech of the organizer of the annual Al-Quds (“Jerusalem” in Arabic) demonstration on Saturday evening (1.4.2017) before the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin, a parade ended, which was concerned with the war in Yemen.


In the well-orchestrated march that started with about 150 demonstrators participated, predominantly, followers and sympathizers of the Yemenite/Shiites Houthis, who are closely related to the authoritarian tyranny in Iran. After a call for a national peace initiative was announced as a sign of solidarity, also some anti-imperialist left-wingers and people  from the right-wing scene (among others from Bärgida (Pegida), as well as a “delegation” of the “vigils for peace”, participated in said short demonstration.


Already during the parade, it was possible to see on several banners and posters illustrations bearing an antisemitic connotation.


At the concluding demonstration before the Brandenburg Gate,  Jürgen Grassmann , the organizer of the annual “Al-Quds” march in Berlin, held a prepared speech, in which he fell back and drew on several anti-Jewish codes.


Quote: “An entire people is affected by the diabolical murderousness of the Saudi regime of terror. Naturally, the Zionist leadership is behind this Saudi regime of terror. (…)  Do not let yourselves be lulled to sleep by the media. The people are led through this power vacuum  –  banks, America, Israel, Saudi Arabia  – into dirt and misery, which we currently get to feel. (…) That is why we are here – to poignantly and powerfully enlighten the German public on the truth about the Zionist-oriented policy of the US government.  Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar …,  in short all these rich oil states, with their reactionary regimes, concocted a diabolical plan and implemented this plan mercilessly. (…)  The diabolical governments of these oppressive countries wish to rule over the world. And if we should not demonstrate for Yemen, for those stripped of their rights, then we will lose the other countries. (…) ISIS is a product of the Zionists, of the American government, and we will subsequently fall for it. (…) Down with the Zionist regime in Israel. Down with the  American regime, which now, in the person of Trump  –  who is, nonetheless, better than Clinton –  wanted to wipe out Iran”. End of quote.

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