Subway rider honored for clearing away messages of hate

A subway rider was honored Wednesday after
he gathered fellow straphangers to wipe away messages of hate on a train


Nied was on a No. 1 train at Times Square-42nd Street on the night of Saturday,
Feb. 4, when he saw swastikas and antisemitic graffiti all over the car.


Nied quickly realized that alcohol takes off sharpie


He asked passengers for hand sanitizer and tissues, which
many carry with them, and they erased the hate messages. Within three minutes,
he said it was all gone, thanks to the team work of about 35 people helping


For his actions, Nied was given an award from the
Anti-Defamation League.


“I hoped that a
few of the other people on the car would go away with a good feeling; a great
story,” Nied said. “I really never expected that it would turn into something
like this.”


Nied said it felt fantastic that he and his fellow riders
could come together to help fight hate.

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