CFCA – 2016 Antisemitism report – Present situation and tendencies

CFCA – 2016 Antisemitism report – Present situation and tendencies
CFCA – 2016 Antisemitism report – Present situation and tendencies
Although full data for 2016 have not yet been published, it is clear that in 2016 the trend of escalation of antisemitic events has continued while the main perpetrators of those antisemitic acts in Europe have been people from the Muslim community.
In France we have seen a significant decline of antisemitic incidents in 2016 after 2015 has been characterized by a rise in antisemitic incidents. This figure is not final but is likely the result of the increasing struggle of the French government against the phenomenon.
The social networks are used as the main medium to incite hatred against Jews. Hate speech and antisemitic incitement can be found there without limits.
The presidential election in the United States has led to a wave of antisemitism by Trump supporters that swept the United States during and after the elections.
Universities in US and UK are “centers” of antisemitism where most students experience a hostile atmosphere toward Israel and Jews.
The delegitimization and demonization campaign against Israel contains significant antisemitic expressions and represents the trend of blurring the lines between criticism of Israel and antisemitism. This campaign has been one of the major incitement tools against Jews in general, and therefore constitutes a significant threat to the Jewish communities in the Diaspora.
The British government adopted the new definition of antisemitism drawn up in May by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA). The US Senate has adopted the law about antisemitic awareness, which requires from the US Department of Education to use the international definition of antisemitism.

Source: CFCA

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