Poll: 85% of Jews worldwide experienced or saw antisemitism

A staggering 85% of Jews around the world have witnessed or experienced
antisemitism at some point, according to a new survey by the World Zionist
Organization’s International Center for Countering Antisemitism. The poll also
found that around 50% of respondents from Europe and North America said they
had either witnessed or experienced antisemitism in the past year.


The survey, of 702 respondents who identify as Jewish and do not live in
Israel, was published Thursday, ahead of Israel’s National Day to Combat
Antisemitism and International Holocaust Remembrance Day, which are set to
coincide on Jan. 27.


According to the survey, 67% of respondents witnessed or experienced
antisemitic incidents involving abusive language and insults; 20% said they
had witnessed or experienced antisemitism in the form of threats; 13% said
they had either experienced or witnessed antisemitic violence.


Perhaps most troubling, 73% of respondents who either experienced or
witnessed antisemitic violence said they did not report the incident to


Respondents were also asked if they feel comfortable walking around
their neighborhood with identifying markers, such as a Star of David or kippah.
Some 72% of European respondents said they do not feel safe exhibiting their
Jewishness in public. Around 22% of North American respondents shared that


According to the survey, around 80% of respondents from around the world
believe the politicians in their country are antisemitic to some extent.

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