Anti-BDS Legislation Introduced in Nevada

Lieutenant Governor Mark Hutchinson and pro-Israel activists introduced a new
resolution seeking to counter the anti-Israel Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions
(BDS) movement.


proposed Senate Bill 26
will seek to counter the discriminatory environment
fostered by the BDS movement, according to the Israeli-American Coalition for
Action (IAC for Action), which is promoting the measure. Nevada’s anti-BDS
resolution will be similar to others passed by more than a dozen US states in
recent years.


have a unique opportunity in the coming legislative session to send a powerful
message that the hateful and discriminatory environment fostered by BDS has no
place in Nevada,” said IAC for Action Chairman Shawn Evenhaim. “The IAC for
Action is grateful to Lieutenant Governor Mark Hutchison and the state
legislators of Nevada for their courageous leadership on this issue.”


Pokroy, chairperson of the IAC for Action Government Relations Committee in Las
Vegas, added that the Israeli-American community is ready to unite with other
Nevada residents to “make a big difference in the fight against hate and

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