‘Are Jews People’ Was an Actual, Real Discussion Topic on CNN

CNN saw swift backlash from the media and viewers over an onscreen message that aired on Monday’s The Lead With Jake Tapper.


During a segment on President-elect Donald Trump’s transition, CNN’s Jim Sciutto spoke with two media correspondents about alt-right leader Richard Spencer and whether Trump needs to formally denounce and disavow alt-right groups.


Sciutto quoted Spencer, the president of The National Policy Institute who coined the term “alt-right,” and described his words as “hate-filled garbage” against Jews. Spencer’s quote read, ”One wonders if these people are people at all, or instead soulless golem.”


The issue Twitter users had, however, was with the chyron at the bottom of the screen throughout the segment, which read: ”Alt-right founder questions if Jews are people.”



Politico’s Hadas Gold “*pinches self* i’m real! i’m a person!” and The Hill’s Jordan Fabian shared a screen grab with the words, “Come on.”


Another user posted: “Just b/c some idiot says it doesn’t mean you put it on the chyron.”




During the segment, Sciutto referred to Spencer’s supporters as “unabashed racists and anti-Semites” and the correspondents, Real Clear Politics’ Rebecca Berg and The Boston Globe‘s Matt Viser, discussed how Trump’s controversial appointment of Steve Bannon as chief strategist has only inflamed the alt-right conversation.


“I think the challenge for Trump and his team moving forward,” said Berg, “is going to be to assure people that people on the alt-right, white nationalists, do not have a voice in the Trump administration and do not have a place in the policies that they will be crafting when he is president. And I haven’t really seen those signals from them yet.”


She continued, “Part of this is also political calculation. They’ve found that they need these people in their coalition to succeed, so can they disown them and cleanse their coalition of these people?”


Jake Tapper later commented on the chyron, calling it “unacceptable” and “abohrrent.” 


@jimsciutto @jaketapper I know was NOT intentional but maybe apology is in order for seeming to normalize/downplay with the phrasing https://twitter.com/deadspin/status/800849228377493504 

@JustSchmeltzer @jimsciutto @Deadspin I’m off today but that chyron is unacceptable and I immediately called my staff to convey that.

@jaketapper little advice: NEVER reply w “am off today” Your show pal. Own it. Apologize. Make right. PS lose the alt right BS=hate is hate https://twitter.com/jaketapper/status/800834436812062721 

@SeanGibbons_ the chyron was abhorrent and I am trying to deal with it. Obviously I take responsibility but my being off is not irrelevant.

See more of the reactions on social media below.

Hey @CNN. 1. You gotta call alt-right what it is – white supremacist. 2. Just b/c some idiot says it doesn’t mean you put it on the chyron. https://twitter.com/maiaefrem/status/800817620752723968 

Hey @brianstelter, can you help us understand how this came about? Because as a Jew, it feels like CNN is aiding/abetting a new Nazi party. https://twitter.com/lannadelgrey/status/800817349427347456 


we’re real. and we’re gonna be a HUGE pain in your ass, Nazis.

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