German court jails far-right extremist for Auschwitz tattoo

A German court has sentenced a far-right politician to eight
months in prison for displaying
a Nazi-style tattoo
, stiffening the suspended term he originally received
after prosecutors appealed.


The state court in Neuruppin, north of Berlin, on Monday upheld
the defendant’s conviction for incitement.


The case against Marcel Zech involves a tattoo that appeared to
combine an image of the Auschwitz death camp with the slogan from the
Buchenwald concentration camp’s gate, “Jedem das Seine” — “to each his own.”


The 28-year-old admitted displaying the tattoo while visiting a
swimming pool. In December, a district court in Oranienburg gave him a
six-month suspended sentence.


Zech, a member of the far-right National Democratic Party, also
appealed that verdict and had sought an acquittal.

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