UK – Barrister thrown out of the profession after posting tweets attacking Jews and quoting Hitler

Ian Millard tweets

A barrister has been kicked out of the profession after posting ‘anti-Semitic’ messages on Twitter and appearing to praise Hitler.

Ian Millard has tweeted a series of incendiary messages on the social network, quoting the Nazi leader and hitting out at ‘Jews’ and ‘Zionists’.

In one message, he wrote: ‘National Socialist Germany 1933-1945. Its flaws were few, its achievements many. Don’t believe Jewish-Zionist lies.’

At a disciplinary tribunal hearing in London this week, the 60-year-old was disbarred from the profession for ‘conduct likely to diminish the trust andconfidence in barristers’.

The hearing was told of a series of messages posted on Mr Millard’s Twitter feed in November 2014, in which he branded politician Michael Gove ‘pro-Zionist’ and ‘pro-Jew’.

The same day, he posted a picture of a swastika with a comment in German bout Jews, and a few days later he called French politician Nicolas Sarkozy a’little Jew’, the tribunal heard.

The charges also related to tweets calling government minister Grant Shapps ‘the Jew Shapps’ and suggesting Conservative MPs were ‘Jews and yobs’.

The tribunal found that Mr Millard’s actions had breached Bar standards and he was disbarred from the profession with the right to appeal.

A fellow lawyer who brought the complaint, Jonathan Goldberg QC, said after the hearing: ‘A man who spews out such Nazi propaganda is not fit to call himself a barrister, so I feel satisfied.

‘As a fine judge said recently; if we can’t all learn to get along there is no hope for any of us.’

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