Lessons Learned? Reflections on antisemitism and the Holocaust: new publication launched

Holocaust Educational Trust and Community Security Trust have launched ‘Lessons
learned? Reflections on antisemitism and the Holocaust’


antisemitism having risen by eleven per cent last year and with antisemitic
discourse – including shocking Holocaust imagery and language – also on the
rise the Holocaust Educational Trust and Community Security Trust have launched ‘Lessons learned? Reflections on
antisemitism and the Holocaust’
, a booklet featuring a
series of essays by prominent civic, political and faith leaders from across
the world.


for free download the booklet is a demonstration that tackling antisemitism is
a cause for the many, and not the few. Antisemitism is an age-old scourge that
shifts shape and form to suit its surroundings – a scourge that culminated in
the almost complete annihilation of the Jewish people during the Holocaust.


CLICK HERE to download a copy of the booklet.

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