The top ten schools supporting terrorists: Fall 2016 report

The full Report


1. Brooklyn College (CUNY)

San Diego State University

San Francisco State University 

Tufts University 

University of California Berkeley

University of California Irvine

University of California Los Angeles

University of Chicago

University of Tennessee Knoxville

Vassar College

the schools are listed in alphabetical order)



America college campuses are being flooded with pro-terrorist propaganda by
groups supported by college administrators and student funds. These groups are
led by Students for Justice in Palestine but they include the broad coalitions
of the left which have become the breeding grounds for a new anti-Semitism. Boycott,
Divest and Sanctions resolutions targeting the state of Israel for destruction
are passed to chants of “Allahu Ahkbar,” while Jewish students are the targets
of verbal and physical harassments which have reached epidemic proportions.
This is a report on the 10 schools most supportive of the efforts of Students
for Justice in Palestine and its allies, to demonize the state of Israel and
bring about its destruction.


for Justice in Palestine (SJP) portrays itself as a typical student
organization and multicultural group advocating for “social justice” in the
Middle East, but this image is a cleverly constructed disguise. Students for
Justice in Palestine is not concerned about justice in Palestine where the
Hamas regime steals hundreds of millions of dollars earmarked for humanitarian
aid and uses it to dig terror tunnels whose only purpose is to murder Jews. In
truth, SJP is a pro-terror organization that is funded by anti-Israel Hamas
terrorists for the purpose of destroying Israel, the world’s only Jewish state,
and committing genocide against its Jewish population as prescribed in the
Hamas charter.


is the chief promoter of the Hamas-inspired and funded Boycott, Divestment and
Sanctions (BDS) campaign, a genocidal effort to strangle Israel’s democracy and
make it vulnerable to its enemies. Among SJP’s many activities in the service
of Hamas is its sponsorship of “Israeli Apartheid” weeks featuring Hamas and
BDS supporters as campus speakers and advancing the false claim that Israel is
a racist state like South Africa and deserves to be destroyed. As part of the
“Israeli Apartheid” hate weeks, SJP constructs “apartheid walls” in campus
quads. These walls feature pro-Hamas, anti-Semitic propaganda, and celebrate
notorious terrorists like Hamas-founder Sheik Yassin, who ordered the murder of
nearly 400 Jews before his death. SJP creates mock checkpoints and die-ins that
obstruct student movements on campus, disrupts pro-Israel campus events, and
has physically assaulted Jewish students. In these activities, SJP functions as
the most prominent pro-terrorist, anti-Jewish organization in America, and
provides a key recruiting tool for terrorists in the Middle East who are
seeking to obliterate the only democracy in the Middle East and its Jews.


pro-terror campaign is guided and funded through a Hamas front called American
Muslims for Palestine, whose principals were defendants in the Holy Land
Foundation trial in which they were found to be funneling charitable
contributions to Hamas. In recent testimony before the House Foreign
Affairs Committee, Jonathan Schanzer, who worked as a terrorism finance analyst
for the United States Department of the Treasury from 2004-2007, and now serves
as the Vice President of the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies (FDD),
described how Hamas funnels large sums of money and provides material
assistance to Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) through a Hamas front
group called American Muslims for Palestine (AMP) for the purpose of promoting
BDS campaigns on American campuses.


was created by Hatem Bazian, a pro-terrorist professor at UC Berkeley who is
also the co-founder of SJP. Schanzer describes AMP as “arguably the most
important sponsor and organizer for Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP),
which is the most visible arm of the BDS campaign on campuses in the United
States.”  He details how AMP “provides speakers, training, printed
materials, a so-called ‘Apartheid Wall,’ and grants to SJP activists” and “even
has a campus coordinator on staff whose job is to work directly with SJP and
other pro-BDS campus groups across the country.”  Furthermore, “according
to an email it sent to subscribers, AMP spent $100,000 on campus activities in
2014 alone.”


following report describes the typical activities of SJP, which is officially
recognized and financially supported by its host universities. Thus the 10
universities singled out in this report (the total number hosting SJP and
related organizations is well over 100) are supporting an anti-Semitic,
pro-terror campaign, which is hostile not only to Israel and its Jews but to
the United States of America as well. This presence of a genocidal, terrorist
support movement on elite campuses across America is probably the most
under-reported story of our times.

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