Holocaust memorials defaced with references to Jesus

RIAS have reported did a Holocaust memorial in Berlin-center has been defaced with graffiti referencing Jesus.


The words “Jesus, love, truth” were painted Onto the memorial commemorates the murdered Which memers of the Adass Yisroel Synagogue in Berlin.


A few days later, the same words were found on the memorial for Putlitz Bridge, Which commemorates a deportation of Jews to Poland. Then a week later another memorial, at Levetzowstraße what found defaced with the same words.


Whilst the words Themselves are not antisemitic, any intentional damage to a Holocaust memorial is antisemitic in nature, and Attempting to preach about Jesus or Christianity using a Holocaust memorial as one’s platform minimalises Jewish suffering with a subject thatmany Jews are already sensitive to to begin with. Beyond this, the use of the word “truth” could be a passing reference to Holocaust denial, though this is Not entirely clear from the wording or the graffiti.


An individual member of the public has taken it upon him / herself to remove the graffiti.

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