Man prosecuted for pushing a man on subway tracks

– 49-year-old man prosecuted after he pushed another man on the subway tracks
and slandered Jews. The man charged with attempt of murder and incitement to
racism. The defendant admitted the offense and apologized to his victim. He
also committed to pay the 57-year-old victim 1500 euros. Fortunately, the
victim did not injured because one of the railway employees watched
the attack on the surveillance cameras and ordered the closure of the station.


defendant was very drunk at the time of the act. When the victim approached him,
a fight began and the attacker pushed the victim to the railroad tracks. Then
he prevented from the victim to climb back onto the platform, by kicking his


police arrested the defendant at the crime scene, he said among the rest:  “I hate all Jews” or “I did it
because he is Jewish. Next time I’ll do it right.”


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