British Jewish MP targeted by antisemitic death threats

A Jewish member of the British Parliament was provided police protection
after receiving online antisemitic death threats.


Ruth Smeeth was repeatedly referred to as a “Yid,” the Jewish
Chronicle reported.


The message also said that  “the
gallows would be a fine and fitting place” for the 37 year old MP “to swing


The chilling threat was delivered to her in a warped 1,000 word rant via a Facebook message – seen by The Sun, and reproduced here in part.



She wrote on Twitter about the reaction to the threats: “Huge thanks for
the solidarity and supportive messages. I’m very touched and will keep fighting
the good fight against abuse.”


The death threat showed strong support for Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn,
referring to a “hatchet job” against him by the “right-wing, neo-con,
Nazi-Zionist outfit Portland Communications”.


It ended by saying “Jeremy Corbyn, to put it bluntly, is staying exactly
where he is”.


Ms Smeeth told the Sun she held Corbyn “personally responsible” for the
threats she had received.


“I expect Jeremy to show true
leadership, which means calling out individuals at times by name to say what
they are doing it is unacceptable,” she said.


“He must stand up and say
enough is enough, and he has done nowhere near enough yet.”


Counter-terror police have conducted two investigations into threats
against Ms Smeeth since July.

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