Students dress as Nazis, attack Jews

Bariloche – Jewish students from the ORT High School in Buenos Aires, Argentinaת were attacked in a nightclub by other students dressed as Nazis according to Spanish-language media. 


The attackers were from a German school in the Buenos Aires neighborhood of Lanus, according Argentine news website La Nación.


The attack occurred at the Cerebro de Bariloche night club. One of the mothers of the children who were attacked recounted the episode to Rádio Latina, saying “at a certain point in the night, young people came wearing swastikas and had painted-on Hitler mustaches.”



“My son and his friends complained and asked that they be taken out, but all the club management did was demand that the mustaches be washed off and that the swastikas be removed,” she continued.


“They all ended up fighting, and everyone was kicked out of the club – not just the aggressors,” she said.


The families have condemned the club, saying that the club management should never have let the students dressed as Nazis into the club in the first place.


However, the mother did say that she appreciated that non-Jewish students who were at the club came to the Jewish students’ defense. Gustavo Genusso, manager of the Bariloche club, said to TN News Station that the fight was a “worrying development” and that the students from the German high school were “no longer allowed in the clubs.”


Meanwhile, the head of the Delegation of Argentine Jewish Associations, Ariel Cohen Sabban, said that he would meet with the club’s manager.


“It’s neither a joke nor a grace,” Sabban said. “these symbols reflect an ideology which culminated in the assassination of six million Jews at the hands of the Nazis. If these kids are older than 16, then these kids could be sentenced to between a month to three years in prison for their actions, as this is a crime in Argentina.”


Sabban finished by saying, “we have to be alert because we are beginning new hot beds of antisemitism which…But the state’s drive to combat this phenomenon, specifically through education, is very important.”

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