Petition to remove offensive sculpture

city of Wittenberg, in Germany has an offensive Sculpture on display on one of
it’s Churches. A Judensau (Jew-Pig) from 1305 is visable on the facade of the
Stadkirche, the church where Martin Luther preached.

Harvey, friend and previous employee of CMJ, is on a mission to have the
“Judensau” sculpture removed. On the petition website he says,


sculpture continues to cause offence and defame Jewish people and their faith.
It needs to be removed to another location so it is not publicly displayed on
the external wall of the church, and properly housed and explained elsewhere.
Otherwise Jewish people continue to experience the antisemitic power of such an
abusive image, and their worst fears about the nature of the Christian faith
are confirmed. If the Church is truly repentant over such images, it must take
steps to remove them from such prominent display.”


the petition

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