Report on antisemitic activity during the first half of 2016 at U.S. colleges and universities

According to Amcha report nearly 100 more incidents of antisemitism
occurred on US campuses during the first six months of 2016 compared with the
first six months of 2015. In addition, calls for Israel’s elimination on campus
tripled, and that expression highly correlated with actions that harm Jewish

Cautioned Tammi Rossman-Benjamin, AMCHA Initiative director and
co-founder, “the growing problem of campus antisemitism is no doubt a serious
threat facing the Jewish community but this disturbing and dangerous spike and
the bolder, more brazen, methods of those perpetrating this hate are
particularly alarming.” 


The study, which examined antisemitic activity from January
through June 2016 on more than 100 public and private colleges and universities
with the largest Jewish undergraduate populations, found that 287 antisemitic incidents occurred at 64 schools during that time period,
reflecting a 45% increase from the 198 incidents reported in the first six
months of 2015.

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