SA brothers charged with planning to blow up US embassy and ‘Jewish institutions’

– Two brothers allegedly linked to Isis (Islamic State) were planning to set
off explosives at a US embassy and “Jewish institutions” in South
Africa, according to their charge sheet at the Johannesburg Magistrate’s Court
on Monday.


and Tony-Lee Thulsie, both 24, face terrorism-related charges.


others who were arrested with them in Newclare and Florida were expected to
appear in the Kagiso Magistrate’s Court later on Monday.


“The accused unlawfully and
intentionally conspired to commit the crime of terrorism by planning to cause
explosions at a Mission of the United States of America and Jewish institutions
(all such structures located in the Republic of South Africa) in order to
endanger life, cause death and/or serious bodily harm and the destruction… to
such structures,” the charge sheet against the brothers read.


“Such conspiracy and incitement was
intended to cause and spread feelings of terror, fear or panic in the civilian
population of South Africa and particular the US and Jewish sector thereof and
to intimidate the government of the United States of America.


“Such conspiracy and incitement was
directly or indirectly in whole or part to further the political, religious or
ideological motives and objectives of an international terrorist organisation
which has been designated by the security council of the United Nations, namely
the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (Isil, also known as Da’esh and




two bearded brothers sat closely together while in the dock at the Johannesburg
Magistrate’s Court on Monday. The courtroom was packed with their family and


was wearing a grey hoodie and had a black kufi on his head. His brother was
wearing a black thawb.


brothers responded softly when the judge asked if they spoke English.


case against the two was postponed to July 19, and they remain in custody.

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