Swastika posters left in north London playground for fourth day running

Hill, London
– Police are stepping up their presence in a Haredi Orthodox
Jewish neighborhood of London after swastika posters were placed in a
playground there four days in a row.


have increased patrols in Stamford Hill and are investigating the matter.


local branch of Shomrim, the Jewish volunteer security group, first reported
the posters to police Monday, and they have appeared every day since then. The
playground is next to a Jewish senior home, many of whose residents are
Holocaust survivors.


Hill Shomrim’s Shulem Stern told the Chronicle the posters have sparked “a
sense of anxiety and fear amongst local parents.”


“The daubing of Nazi symbols in a place
where Jewish children study and play is an act of racism intended to spread
fear and alarm,” Marie van der Zyl, vice president of the Board of Deputies of
British Jews, told the Chronicle.

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