Sports complex sprayed with graffiti

unknown persons sprayed antisemitic graffiti on the new running track at
Austand Frankfurt Football Club. The incident occurred during the night on
Sunday. On the green track, unknown persons had sprayed in white, the words
“Run Jew, Run”. A large white Swastika was sprayed on the grass.


In addition to the Austand
Frankfurt pitch, Swastikas were also found on school walls. The radio station
reported also that as a result  the
Police had begun an investigation.


From a spokesman for the Ridberg High School. In the report it is stated
that It is possible that the offender was disturbed when painting at this
location, He painted the Swastikas in yellow and the investigators believe that
they know the identity of the perpetrator. 


However, there is still no
information about the football pitch vandals. They cut the netting and sprayed
Swastikas, and Anti-Semitic symbols and slogans on the grass, on the benches
and on the running track. As a result of this the Manager of Maccabi, Mayer,
stared that no games would be played at this location on Sunday.          

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