Violent antisemitic attack on 13-year-old boy

– The French Bureau National de Vigilance Contre l’Antisemitisme (BNVCA), a
national watchdog organization focusing on antisemitism, reported on Monday
that a young boy was attacked on Shabbos afternoon in the 12th arrondissement,
or district, of Paris, apparently because he was wearing a kippah. 


boy, aged 13, said he was returning to a shul on Rue Voynet de Paris to meet
his father at around 6:00 p.m. when he was attacked by three youths, whose
appearance he described as being “of African origin.” He said that they called
him a “dirty Jew” and then punched him in the side. While one of the attackers
snatched his kippah, another grabbed him by the hair and banged his head
against a pole. The assailants fled when passers-by came upon the scene, one of
whom called out, in vain, for help. The boy, though suffering from shock and a
badly bruised face, was eventually able to join his father in shul.


victim reported the attack to the police and provided a description of his

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