Oxford Labour antisemitism row: Corbynite activists Max Shanly and James Elliott investigated

prominent members of the left-wing organisation Momentum are being investigated
over allegations of antisemitism at Oxford University, according to reports.
Max Shanly, 25, and James Elliott, 22, are at the centre of the investigation
at Oxford University Labour Club (OULC), which was stemmed from the resignation
of one of its co-chairs, Alex Chalmers, over concerns some of its members had a
“problem with Jews”.

a member of Young Labour’s national committee, and Elliot, who served as youth
policy adviser to the Jeremy Corbyn for Labour Leader campaign – which has since become Momentum –
both deny the allegations, reported the Daily Telegraph.


Shanly is said to be a key ally of Jon Lansman, the founder of
Momentum, who describe themselves as a grass-roots network of pro-Corbyn
activists. He is due to stand to be a national officer in the upcoming Labour
youth elections.


Howe, a lawyer from Howe & Co Solicitors who is acting for Elliott and
Shanly, said the pair “absolutely reject and deny” the allegations of
antisemitism against them. Howe
added that Elliott “is proud of his record of fighting antisemitism and
considers antisemitism to be abhorrent and reprehensible” and Shanly
“is appalled by racism in all its forms and has always sought to challenge
racism when he has come across it”.


Students announced they are investigating the allegations that members of the
OULC have been involved in antisemitism and intimidation of Jewish students
after Chalmers resigned from his role after the club’s decision to support
Israel Apartheid week.


his resignation, The Oxford University Jewish Society (JSoc) said several more
members of the OULC came forward with allegations of antisemitism by senior members of
the club. These included individuals repeatedly using the word ‘Zio’ – a term
used in websites run by the Ku Klux Klan or Neo-Nazi groups – to refer to
Jewish students, as well as showing support for Hamas and suggesting all Jews are “legitimate targets”.


Miliband, a former member of the OULC, pulled out of a planned talk hosted
by the group at the John Smith Memorial Dinner as he was “deeply
disturbed” by the allegations. Jo Johnson, the minister for universities,
added there can be “no justification for attacks on Jewish students, and
no tolerance for institutionalised racism”.


spokesperson for Momentum said: “Momentum opposes racism, antisemitism,
and all forms of oppression. Allegations that Momentum is involved in
anti-Semitism at Oxford University or anywhere else are baseless and we have
received no claims about any individuals or groups associated with


OULC said they are “horrified” at the allegations and will co-operate
fully with the investigation. The club added: “The comments detailed in
JSoc’s statement indicate a shocking pattern of hateful and racist behaviour by
some club members, and it’s of the highest priority that this be dealt with
swiftly and lastingly.”


Labour Party spokesperson said: “Following recent allegations of
antisemitic behaviour and intimidation at Oxford University Labour Club,
Labour Students have launched an immediate investigation and the Labour Party
welcomes and supports this action. If complaints are made about any individual
member of the Labour Party, the party will take robust action to deal with any
antisemitic behaviour.”

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