Obama signs anti-BDS bill into law

a grueling legislative battle, US President Barack Obama signed into law (H.R. 644)
a controversial trade measure that also contains landmark legislation
combating the boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement in Europe.


broader legislation faced an uphill battle after Obama’s usual allies, Democrats
in the House of Representative, bucked his authority and voted against key
provisions out of concern that liberalization of trade could impact American


on Monday, Obama signed into law the so-called “fast track” authorization that
will allow US trade negotiators to work out a long-awaited deal with Asian
states known as the Trans-Pacific Partnership. The Trade Promotion Authority
legislation also contained the anti-BDS provisions, which make rejection of the
phenomenon a top priority for US negotiators as they work on a more distant
free trade agreement with the European Union.


guidelines, sponsors hope, will discourage European governments from
participating in BDS activities by leveraging the incentive of free trade with
the US.


 “This is an historic milestone in the fight
against Israel’s enemies, as American opposition to insidious efforts to
demonize and isolate the Jewish state is now the law of the land. The
bipartisan bill enacted today conditions any free trade agreement with the
European Union on its rejection of BDS,” said Rep. Peter Roskam, who, together
with Rep. Juan Vargas sponsored one of two anti-BDS provisions in the law.


will force companies like telecom giant Orange, which is partially owned by the
French government, to think twice before engaging in economic warfare against
Israel. No longer will these companies be able to freely attack a key US ally
without consequence,” he added. “Nevertheless, what we accomplished today is
just the beginning. As the BDS movement continues to evolve, so too must our


the provisions started as stand-alone legislation, they were unanimously
adopted into the House and Senate versions of TPA in April.

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