Swastika on Jewish student apartment ceiling

Brunswick, NJ
– Sara Rosen entered her room to find a 2.5-foot swastika
taped to her ceiling on the night of Jan. 15.


Jewish School of Arts and Sciences senior said she felt threatened and
immediately called the police.


police arrived at the scene, they began questioning Rosen about her
relationship with her roommates, one of whom was responsible for the swastika,
she said.


roommate, a School of Engineering senior who could not be reached for comment
before press time, had intended for the swastika to be a display of his
Buddhist faith, said Kai Rau, a School of Environmental and Biological Sciences


“I was fairly surprised, because why would
there be a swastika on the ceiling,” she said. “Then I came to realize (my)
friend is a Buddhist.”


being appropriated by Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany, the swastika was a
religious symbol sacred to the Buddhist faith, signifying abundance and
eternity, Rau said.


Rosen was unconvinced.


“One of the roommates decided to claim that
they randomly decided to put up a buddhist peace symbol,” she said to a Rutgers
University Police Department (RUPD) officer. “Is that something you really
believe based on everything that has gone on here?”


officers conducted an investigation of the events by interviewing Rosen, her
roommates and other witnesses, said University spokesperson Jeffrey Tolvin.


about the case were forwarded to the Middlesex County Prosecutor’s Office, who
determined “there was not probable cause to charge the suspect with a bias
crime,” Tolvin said in an email.


Office of Student Conduct carried out a trial. During the trial, Rosen’s
roommate was put in temporary housing on Busch campus.


a judicial review, he was removed from University housing.


“I’m pretty upset with the way Rutgers
handled the situation,” psychology major Sara Rosen said in a draft of a
letter she intends to send to the school newspaper, The Daily Targum, and which she posted on Facebook next
to a photo of the swastika in question.

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