Survey on racism in France, 10 years after the murder of Ilan Halimi

Le Parisien newspaper revealed on Friday a survey including
five questions about the Jewish community in France and antisemitic


“When you think about the case of Ilan Halimi, which
took place ten years ago, can you tell it symbolizes what can happen as a
result of prejudices regarding Jews?” 69% of respondents answered
“yes, often” to this question, 12% answered “not really”
and 19% did not express their views on antisemitic prejudice.


The first question was followed by a series of four
questions asking respondents whether they agree or not with the following


“Jews are exploiting today their status as victims in
the Holocaust committed by the Nazis during World War II” – 32% agreed
compared to 45% who disagree.


“Jews are richer than the average Frenchman” 31%
of respondents agree with this statement, 38% do not agree.


25% of respondents agree that “Jews have too much power
in the media” compared to 46% who disagree.


Finally, 24% of respondents believe that Jews have too much
power in the field of economy and finance, compared to 46% who do not agree
with this statement.


magazine reports that this survey is a summary of Ifop research conducted
online among 1,468 people, on 3 -5 February.


The survey was commissioned by the Union of Jewish Students
in France (UEJF) and SOS Racism. The title of the research was “A look at the
antisemitic prejudice 10 years after the death of Ilan Halimi.” (Regards
sur les préjugés antisémites 10 ans après la mort d’Ilan Halimi)


To conclude the research, Ifop explains that “prejudices and stereotypes associated with Jews can be
found in a significant level of the population, even if not in most of the

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